Our Sarah Miller comes highly recommended by local Estate Agents, David Baker & Co

Craig Jefferies, a local Estate Agent for David Baker & Co recently said the following in respect of the services provided by our conveyancing solicitor, Sarah Miller:

"As an estate agent you want to recommend to your clients a solicitor that is experienced, trustworthy and professional and Sarah is no exception to that. I have personally worked with Sarah on a vast number of transactions over the years and although she’ll admit that my numerous calls and emails drive her up the wall she never refuses to take them / respond to them. Sarah always keeps on top of her files whilst maintaining a good rapport with her clients and keeping them updated throughout, which is imperative. Sarah is a friendly, approachable and straight talking solicitor with a good sense of humour all of which provide added value to the impeccable service she offers, further utilising her expertise to negate the process becoming stressful.  If you’re looking for a reliable, communicative and competent solicitor, then Sarah is all of this and more


More Court of Protection Applications made but less Orders made


P’s wishes and feelings outweigh argument concerning futility of future treatment (Royal Bournemouth and Christchurch Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust v TG and another)